Saturday, 5 July 2008

Celebrating Tanabata!

Hafiz and San standing in front of the tree that was placeed in front of our class.
We actually thought that the bammboos were put there to celebrate the huge amount of Pandas our batch had been getting!
(Panda = Failed)

Hafiz and I with our cute poses! Uweek!
Basics - Tanabata (七夕, tanabata?), meaning "Evening of the seventh") is a Japanese star festival, derived from the Chinese star festival, Qi Xi (七夕 "The Night of Sevens").
It celebrates the meeting of
Orihime (Vega) and Hikoboshi (Altair). The Milky Way, a river made from stars that crosses the sky, separates these lovers, and they are allowed to meet only once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month of the lunisolar calendar. Since the stars come out at night, the celebration is held at night.

We watched a short video then spent the rest of the hour making origami to hang on the trees and writing our wishes that were also to be put onto the tree.

I then went back to my hostel and slept till 9pm, if I'm not mistaken.


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