Saturday, 30 May 2009



Tsumari = Basically.

School was : annoying, exhausting, enjoyable, weird and sweat-inducing (both my classes and my apartment are on top floors). Everything that school should be.

Friends have been : crazy, hungry, heart-wrenching, loving, wonderful in every sense of the word and there. Everything that friends should be.

I have been : tired, crushing (me like!), sleep-deprived, broke (but not anymore. Yeah!), freaked and happy. Everything that I should be.

This semester has been : great! But not yet amazing... I'm still working on it.

Right now I'm on a week-long holiday after just finishing the first-half of my third semester.

I will be leaving for Penang tomorrow, back home on Thursday, heading to Langkawi on the same day.

One word and one sound : YEAH!



  1. holz nk hbs dh kn?? ^^
    mai la balik intec...
    sunyi gile intec. T_T

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. shuh shuh. go away. release everything u want. release ur stress, rleease it all there. And after that you can gimme something to read later :D
