Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Getting A Job In Japan - Helpful Videos & Next Stage Asia

In addition to the preparation steps I've listed in my previous post (click this) you might also find these videos helpful. There are a lot of these kinds of videos on Youtube if these aren't to your liking.

These videos are from Next Stage Asia(link), a recruiting company that helps Japanese companies hire foreigners to join them. Create an account and they'll personalise updates for you based on the information you give them. They become like a bridge between the companies and you. This site caters to both students and working professionals. They also hold seminars in Tokyo to help you better understand the job hunting world and prepare you for it.

I did sign up for this in addition to Rikunabi and another recruiting agency that I'll discuss in a later post.

If there are any additional information that you would like to share, please feel free to comment below :D

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