Sunday 5 October 2008

MOTIVATION if motivation's that easy to create..

Us being weird while waiting for an activity to start..or was it waiting for food to be served? The whole camp thing was very much a blur.. :P

Ahmad-san being mummified.. it was totally adorable!

Nez standing on a crate of eggs.. the prof wanted us to do this to prove that if we really tried, we're capable of 'amazing' things. (amazing things that laws of physics have already proven to be true and possible?! Whateve..)

No, this is a buch of prisoners lining up to be be given the death sentence. It's just a bunch of us being tortured! Though my bruises have healed, my grudge for you still runs deep :P

Some of the faces of fellow PPKTJ-ians.
(Ermm..Ellie, what were you doing with your mouth? Just curious..)

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how you never put up a clear picture of my face. Not that i want to, i'd like to remain anonymous in this ridiculous cyworld.
