Wednesday 1 September 2010

Hokkaido The Awesome

I love me some Hokkaido. Best weii.. I ate a ton of soft-cream and seafood while there. Can I say heaven?

I took a ferry from Oarai to Tomakomai with Muslim on the 13th of August. The journey took like 16 hours.


When we arrived at Tomakomai the next day, we took a train to Sapporo to meet up with Ellie and begin our Hokkaido Escapades(?). We, as in Ellie, Shah, Acap, Muslim, Irra, Mimi, Taty and I, spent 3 days in Sapporo. We went to Sapporo's famous Odori Park, the clock tower, Ishiya Chocolate Factory and so many more places that I can barely remember it all. After the 4th day, we split up with the guys and made our way to Otaru.

I fell in love with Otaru. The small, picturesque town is romantic and decadent; filled with specialty ice-cream stalls and boutique chocolate stores. How can a girl resist all that? At night, we hung out by the famous Otaru canal and caught up with each other's lives. It was like a slumber party, only with a better view. Love love love.

After spending 3 days in Otaru, Mimi, Irra and Taty had to leave to return to their colleges - leaving Ellie and I behind. We took a train to Ellie's college in Tomakomai. Main reason why I love Tomakomai? The average temperature there during summer is 20'C! When you compare that to where I study-Ibaraki, which has an average temperature of 34'C during the summers, you can understand why I love Ellie's place better right?

Siap ada kabus tu wei, betapa sejuknya and bestnya Tomakomai tu :D

I spent 3 days in Tomakomai basically just sleeping around during the day and eating awesome food during the night. It was awesome.

On Saturday, Ellie and I took a train to Hakodate. Hakodate's night view from Mount Hakodate is rated as one of the top 3 in the world. I have to agree it was breath-taking-ly beautiful but there were waaay too many people and that just sort of killed the romantic mood. Still beautiful, none the less.

We also travelled around all the historic sites around Hakodate. This place is loaded with history and the buildings that still remain till this day were so well-crafted and beautiful. Since Hakodate used to be a major goverment spot way back when, there are also alot of Russian, Chinese and Western influences in its history. This only further adds to its charm.

After days of vandalizing my beloved feet, I finally took a flight back home to Ibaraki on the 23rd. I know I used the word 'beautiful' way too many times in tis post but it was, so yeah, what can I do?



  1. it took me 3seconds to read/spell/baca dalam hati everytime you mention name of a place.

  2. Mashi : LOL. It's a miracle that I can spell them all.
