Saturday 25 December 2010

The 3 S : Seoul, Shop, Sightsee (Part I)

I went to Seoul from 12th September till the 18th. It was all kind of random, actually. Fifi and I were just talking about all the places that we'd like to go to and she mentions that aside form Japan, she's never been to another country. So I said, why not go to Korea? I mean, the Yen is stronger than the Won, so we'd save tonnes of cash and at that time it wasn't peak season or anything. Fifi gets all excited and I'm starting to look at flight and accommodation options. Then we find out that Fifi has a seminar scheduled around that time, and her prof isn't sure about the exact dates of the seminar so how the heck can I plan for anything without dates?

So we wait. And wait. Some more waiting.

When it was almost like a week before our planned departure, Fifi gets her seminar's date and I can start planning again. Thank God. We booked everything in a rush and just kind of winged it with the attractions and places that we wanted to go to. The place we stayed at, I found while searching through some great travel blogs.
So, we bought out flight tickets 3 days before take-off and started to pack and continue planning.

On the 12 th, we got on an Aseana Airlines flight form Narita to Seoul. Yay!

When we got to Incheon Airport, we wanted to change our Yens for Wons straight away at the Currency Exchange counter that was available at the airport but then we noticed that all the people who moved in the direction of said counter also moved away from it after like 3 seconds. What was going on?

Ugly rates, that's what. So, my tip to anyone planning on going there, DON'T EXCHANGE at the airport, you'll get better deals at the banks in town.

We then arrive Incheon, get driven to our lodgings and sleep.

The adventures(ergo shopping) that we had will be in the next post.
I gotta get packing for my ski trip :D

Don't even ..urghh, I know I look...



  1. meh, what the heck?, i thought to myself. sbb tgh jd tourist hardcore kan? LOL
