Friday 3 April 2009

"Just" Friends


So, quick question, is a friend some type of insect? Or a piece of gumball wrapping that you step on while walking? Or better yet, the pink small Baskin Robbins spoons you get when you try out a new flavour?

The answer's NO , right?

Then, why is it when someone asks you about your relationship with someone else of the opposite sex, whom you seem close to, you reply with "No, we're just friends."

I mean, seriously, everybody does it right?

I've always wondered about this. Do we subconsciously want to degrade our friends?

Do we have some sort of weird, unspeakable, sort-of-demented hate towards them?

So, we get back at them by degrading their value in front of (sometimes) complete strangers?

I guess, many would say it's because we haven't 'elevated' them to the status of boyfriend. Thus, they're not as important.


Usually, when you want a shoulder, you go to your friend, right?
When you need someone to lend you 5 quid, you go to your friend, right?
When your boyfriend/ girlfriend/ lover hurts you physically/emotionally/ spiritually, you go to your friend, right?

(Unless you haven't got any friends, in which case, I feel bad for you.)

Then, why are they debased in such a fashion?

I made you think right? Right? Thought so.

I've decided from now on, I will try to avoid saying me and (insert guy friend's name) are just friends.

You should think about this too.

Unless of course you do have some sort of weird, unspeakable, sort-of-demented hate towards them. Cause, if it's that, degrade them all you want. Not that I'm encouraging you.

Ta for now.

(who the eff says "Ta!" anymore ?!?)



  1. So what do you call a friend of opposite sex? A good friend? Or what? Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

    Saying that will make them say, "oh, they're couple. I guess I'm right all along".

    What do you call a friend of opposite sex that you are closed to, Liyana?

    Kawan baik?

    P.S I don't really understand this post. Are you saying that you want another name for "kawan yang berlainan jantina"?

    Maybe you should say... hm...

    boy... friend... man...

    I gave up. Can't find another word for someone who's "just" a friend to me.

    Eh, najwa panggil aku apa ek? Kawan? Hm...

    And when you wrote:
    I've decided from now on, I will try to avoid saying me and (insert guy friend's name) are just friends.

    What's your response to, "Are you having a relationship with him/her?" If you response is not "just friend"?

  2. That's the longest comment (or should I say, rambling while avoiding doing assignment?) I ever made on a blog.

    Aiya... assignment, assignment...

  3. this has nothing to do with boyfriends/lovers.
    it's just the way poeple talk. i'd call my guy friend, 'friends'. what else?

    my response - we're friends, he's not my boyfriend.


  4. Ko ingatkan aku kepada Pokemon, bila Misty cakap kat kakak-kakak dia pasal Ash.

    'He's a boy and he's a friend, but he's not my boyfriend!'

  5. i'll take that as a compliment.

    misty's cute deskara!
