Sunday 18 October 2009

I'm not Looking for Mr Right, I'm Looking for Mr Wonderful

I know it's actually pretty useless for me to list my perfect man, but what the heck, a girl can dream, right?

I want a guy....

1. That has manners. I'm not saying I need him to be as perfectly groomed as Prince William, but he's got to know the difference between what's appropriate and what's not.

2. That doesn't smoke. This one's a toughie, I know, cause so many guys love to puff away nowadays. But, smoking makes you stink, and if you do it next to me, then it makes me stink. It's also a waste of money.

3. That knows the meaning of respect. As in respect for me, his elders, my elders, his friends etc. If you can't respect others, then how do you expect me and the rest of the world to respect you?

4. That remembers the little things. I know the big things score big, but it's the little things that make my heart beat that little bit faster for you. Like, remembering my fav type of coffee or the fact that I don't like yellow shirts etc. Of course, I'll memorize to death the little things about him too.

5. That has motivation/ a dream/ ambitions. I absolutely cannot accept the existence of lazy, good-for-nothing, lepak-all-day-and-night, let-other-poeple-do-it type of person. If you're not contributing to something then you're just a waste of space and heck, you're using up my oxygen.

And if we happen to share the same interests in music and movies then he can virtually think of me as his for life :D

Basically, I want....

"Nate, if you see this, give me a call."