Sunday 20 February 2011

Kiss Me Already

I just bought what must have been heaven-sent lip goodies. It's the ettusais lip essence (deep moist). I wiped a thin layer onto my lips last night before going to bed and woke up to puckers with no visible dry skin, wrinkles and dry flake in sight. I feel like my vaseline needs to get chuck out the window or something.

Love at first kiss :)

Definitely recommended for those of you who have dry and chapped lips. Yes, guys, should buy this too if you suffer from dry lips. Chapped lips is not a good accessory, no matter how hot you may look everywhere else.



  1. Fara : lebih kpada lip balm bkos it helps with the dryness but bila pakai nnt akan ada nice, glowy shine on ur lips. n dia tak se-melekit lip gloss biasa.
