Friday 25 April 2008


Yesterday, I went to school to pick up a few more certificates that were done and also met a few teachers. I met my class and chemistry teacher, Pn Ong, she was happy to see me and even happier I think, to find out that I'd gotten the JPA scholarship to do engineering in Japan(most pobably beacuse she was so sad before that I'd gotten a B for my chemistry and she probably thought I'd end up a loser with no chemistry in my life but turns out she's wrong. Thank God!).

Also, met my Form 3 geography teacher, my Form 2 science teacher, my ustazah, my counsellors and a few juniors. They all asked where I'd be going to further my studies and when I said Japan, there were mixed reactions. Some were happy that a graduate of the school would further their studies abroad but a few were like -

"Oh, Japan. Isn't it dangerous for you to go there alone? Are you sure about this? Better stay in Malaysia lah".


So basically, I had to say that "Yes, I'm pretty sure about this. I'll even learn some judo or karate or whatver to know self-defense. No, it isn't really 'that' dangerous. This will be good, learning to live on my own and all that shit".

Then I met up with Martha and we went to KLCC to have lunch. We went to Sushi King and both had bento's. Really delicious and everything but OMG there was so much food. We practically had to shove the last few bites into our mouths becasue we just couldn't eat anymore. Ironic thing is, while we ordering, the lady was like "Are you sure you want this? There's not much you know, better get something a lil bigger." Just imagine if we had listened to her?! We'd probably have passed out from all the food!

Then because it was still early and we noticed that there weren't that many people at TGV we decided to catch a movie. We watched Over My Dead Body. It starred Eva Longaria. It wasn't great but wasn't horrible either. Seeing her be a bitch to the other chick (who looks a lot like Gisele Bundchen) is almost as funny as watching her be a bitch to those poeple on Wisteria Lane. LOL.

After that, we parted ways and went home. I then procedeed to sleep like there was no tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. haha.. to tell u the truth, Japan is sooooo much more safer than Malaysia XD
    no pick-pockets, no ragut.. u can just leave ur room open and ur bicycle unlocked and nobody would even care ^^
    well, some crimes do happen, but rarely..
    i think there are more suicides than crimes ^^;
    anyways, it's good that u made up your mind.. have fun learning the language XD
