Wednesday 13 July 2011

My Weakness: Lotions

When I first came here, it was during the end of winter and was still pretty cold and my skin totally flaked out. So I had to start buying lotions. Then, when I'd go shopping I'd buy one more and one more. Now, I've vowed that I won't buy anymore till I finish off at least two bottle of the ones that I already have. But, it's really hard, especially when I find one that smells just divine. Oh well..

Vaseline Intensive Rescue Moisture Locking Lotion
This moisturizes well with no icky sticky feeling. It smells like the typical Vaseline products; almost clinical.

Nature Republic Morning Fruits Mango
I got this on trip to Seoul. It smells like a real bloody mango, delicious. The after scent that you'll get after a few hours is also still pretty strong and awesome. It moisturizes great, when you first apply it, it might seem to be a bit too light but once it dries you're skin will feel soft and supple.

Johnson's Body Care Extra Care
This one kind of leaves a 'heavy' feeling on the skin. It smells great, very feminine, very soft.

Alpine Silk Hand & Body Lotion
I got this as a birthday present from Nakane-kun. He knows I love this stuff and got it for me while on his trip to New Zealand. It smells divine, an almost milky smell with hints of floral. It might seem thick and heavy at first but it'll dry up soon enough and leaves the skin feeling soft.

Johnson's Body Care Naturally Whitening Daily UV Lotion
Out of all these, this is probably the one that I like the least. I bought it while on my 1 month and a half stay at Malaysia during my Spring Break. It smells nice at first, you know the typical Johnson smell, but after an hour or so, the scent just turns nasty. I'm not sure of it's because my skin's chemicals are just not meshing with it well or if the product is really that weird-smelling. Definitely not a recommendation for anyone.

Gap Dream
I tried the tester and instantly fell in love with the smell. It really smells like a dream. I haven't even opened it yet because I'm still trying to get through the ones on top. Moisturizes well with no icky after feeling.

Etude House Rich Butter hand & Heel Cream
I also got this one on my trip to Seoul. It smells very floral but the main scent is almost a baby's talcum powder's smell. I love it. The scent is calming. It's lightweight and easy to carry around so I usually have this stored in my handbag to whip out after I wash my hands anywhere.

As I get to the end of this post, I finally realize why there aren't as many lotions as I thought, I've already finished and thrown away two bottles! Which means, I can get a new one if I happen to find one that I like. Yay!

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