Friday 17 May 2013

Loving You

Are you the kind of person that enjoys going out shopping or dining by yourself or with a group of people? How do you feel walking by yourself down a row of shops or at a park? Does it bother you to see a group of people hanging out when you're alone?

I would say that I'm a bit of both. I enjoy the company of others but I have no qualms with being by myself. Sometimes, I'd actually prefer the latter. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I'm the eldest of my siblings so I'm used to not asking or expecting help from others unless I deem it to be absolutely necessary. Then again, it might also have something to do with me being a fairly typical Virgo; which eludes to being meticulous and analytical. 

It is not uncommon for me to get reactions of "Kesian nya sorang-sorang!(It's sad to see you alone)" or "Tak bosan ke?(Aren't you bored?)" when I tell friends that I'm out alone. The ones that reply with "Tipulah"(You're lying!) when I tell them I actually enjoyed my time alone, I just find to be rude, in all truths.

Such reactions from them perplex me. I find nothing lacking in being by myself. I savour the freedom to do and go as I please. However, the sheer amount of people that cannot, and sometimes will not, understand my stance leads me to believe that I am a minority in such thoughts. 

The funniest question to me would definitely be the "Tak bosan ke?(Aren't you bored?)" because that implies that without another human being present I am unable to amuse myself. But I think they ask that question because that is how it is for them. They are unable to enjoy themselves with just themselves as the company. Speaks volumes about your personality, I think. 

One of the reasons I like venturing out by myself is that I notice that when I'm alone, I am more aware of my surroundings. I notice the small cafe tucked between a narrow street, the Korean restaurant at the end of an alley and much more. Some of the things that catch my attention, like the chirps of birds or a smile from a random old lady, might not seem like much but I feel like all these little pieces amount to a beautiful bigger picture. I am in awe of what I see around me when I take the time to notice them. 

The other reason is mainly to do with shopping. I would say that I am a fast shopper. I walk into a store, I look around and in my head I quickly dismiss all the things that I don't fancy and target the ones that attract me. I survey the item and if I don't like it enough to buy it then I will leave the store and move on to the next one but if I like it, I'll take it and pay straight away. I don't slowly walk around stores, lingering for quite some time on so-so pieces. I usually already have a list of what I want before starting on the shopping trip so I don't waste time wafting about. I've gone shopping with quite a few friends and not many can keep up. We'll end up separated and just arrange a place and time to meet before heading home because I'm usually at least two stores ahead of them. I freaking power walk from store to store. 

Anyways, the whole point of this piece is not to advocate being alone forever or anything remotely like that. It is just to show that it is possible for someone to be by themselves and not curl up in a ball of loneliness. I know that everyone is different and some people are just wired a certain way but for those of you that have never tried taking a day to walk about town by yourself and have always seen it as a very sad and depressing thing to do, I advise you to try it. You never know, you might end up liking the company of yourself a little more than you did before and love yourself a little better. 

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