Friday 25 July 2008

Goodbye UTM!

Well, starting next week, all my classes will be held at Yayasan Selangor(wherever that is?). This is because UTM's basically knocking everything down and builing new things over the old one's graves. This shot was taken from the roof top bridge of one the buildings there and can you SEE why they would want to knock the whole place down? Look at the walls and the railings and whatever else and you can tell it's ancient and in dire need of repair.

Anyways, while we were there we did enjoy ourselves so we do have a lil' love for it :P

Oh yeah, this shot was taken at DAWN. Yes, I know some of you (meaning people from my high school) are impressed that Liyana actually wakes up waaay before the sun does. In your face! LOL...

So far, I've heard nothing but bad info about YS from our pengetua e.g not enough space to pray, to eat and even take a piss! But whateve, cause you know what? Do you hear that? That distant sound from the back of your head? Yes, that's Survivor by Destiny's Child playing just for me.

*Till next time..


1 comment:

  1. missed UTM...`s the 2 nensei doing?sume lepas ke?sapa datang Niihama?

    btw,I am your senpai kuasa 3 kot.huhu~in Niihama Kosen
